Targetgroup ROI calculator

Smart improvements can make a big difference. Use the ROI tool to get a first idea of the potential benefits of a targetgroup program.

  • Quality of Hire: wat levert het op als u 10% vaker een ‘high performer’ kunt aannemen?
  • Engagement: What is the financial impact of taking frustrations away and getting 1% more happy and productive employees?
  • Regretted Loss: wat als u goede en enthousiaste medewerkers zelfs maar 10% langer op hun plek kunt behouden?
Number of employees
How long do employees stay in their job on average (months)
Additional contribution
How many additional employees do you need to recruit in the next year?
Cost per employee
What is the total average cost per employee per year?
Cost of hiring
What % are hiring cost of the total cost of employees? Research indicates this can range from 20% to 200%, including recruitment, onboarding, training etc.
Retention (months)
How long do employees stay in their job on average (months)
Additional contribution
Hoeveel procent presteren 'high performers' beter dan de gemiddelde medewerker in de doelgroep? Volgens onderzoeken kan bijv. een goede software ontwikkelaar tot 1000% meer waarde toevoegen.


Yearly profit from improvements
  • Regretted Loss
    Lower cost of replacing employees
  • Engagement
    Higher contributions from hiring more productive employees
  • Quality of Hire
    Higher contributions from more engaged employees
Improving the candidate and employee journey

Improving the candidate and employee journey

Using Doorsight provides a number of benefits. You give a voice to talent and they will feel listened to. In addition to that, you will get actionable insights for improving the candidate journey. This could relate to anything from the text of a vacancy to the onboarding programme. Setting priorities is easy with the eNPS.

Setting priorities with the eNPS

Perhaps the most important question that relates to the strength of your employment brand is about recommendation: how likely are you to recommend us as employer of choice? Doorsight uses this question in every pulse survey, together with a open text motivation. This provides on ongoing perspective on the engagement of your employees, across functional groups, branche offices and/or divisions. A clear view of eNPS scores with motivations helps makes it easy to set the right priorities.

Setting priorities with the eNPS
ROI - what will it bring us if we invest in this?

ROI - what will it bring us if we invest in this?

An important question is about the return on your investments - time and/or money. What would it mean if you could increase the engagement level of people? Or bring in better people (quality of hire)? Or reduce the amount of regretted loss from people that leave unexpectedly? We've put together a simple ROI calculator to show you the impact and business case of using clever tools such as Doorsight.
